
How to Use Distillate

How to Use Distillate

You may have heard of distillate in the dispensaries or seen it listed on the menu and wondered, “what can I use that for?” The answer - pretty much everything. For patients looking for a versatile product with multiple uses, distillate may be an undervalued and cost-effective option.

Cooking with Cannabis - Intro to DIY Florida Edibles

Cooking with Cannabis - Intro to DIY Florida Edibles

Cannabis edibles, or medibles, allow patients to enjoy the medicinal benefits of cannabis without having to inhale. The long lasting effects are body dominant, making medibles a sought after tool for pain management and sleep. For those of us that enjoy cooking or baking (or eating!) medibles can bring some fun into the stressful world of managing chronic illness. 

Florida Medical Cannabis Topicals - DIY

Florida Medical Cannabis Topicals - DIY

Applied like you would any muscle rub, cannabis topical applications are not absorbed into the bloodstream so they can’t get you stoned. Usually working within 15-20 minutes they are a great option for a variety of pain and skin conditions. Easy to make - this post guides you through making your own medical cannabis salve.